Welcome to pardonyou.ca, you’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for pardons in Canada or US Entry Waivers. Pardons are now called record suspensions in Canada.
Typically, the clients we have made a mistake or two in the past and they are looking to have the convictions stricken from record. Pardons in Canada don’t quite work like that.
Briefly what happens is you go through a complicated process of applying for a pardon, if granted, your record goes from one database to another, it is never completely removed. The database that houses your information is the Canadian Police Information Centre (CIPC) and is maintained by the RCMP and they give access to the US border guards and other agencies and people. If you receive a pardon, your information goes into another database that has very limited access – it’s part of the Criminal Records Act. The only person that can give access to the your pardoned information is Minister of Public Safety.
It can vary from six to 18 months to receive a pardon and there is no way to speed it up. If you have errors or are missing information that may take additional months. At PardonYou.ca, we’ve worked in the criminal court system for almost twenty years, we have the experience to make sure your application has everything it needs and written in the best way to present your case. There is a stringent eligibility process so we offer free consultation appointments to run you through the eligibility – there is also a length of time that you have to wait before you apply after you’ve served your sentence and made restitution.