Making mistakes in your life shouldn’t have to follow you around for life, if you are not making the same mistakes. A pardon (now called record suspension) doesn’t erase your past, but it does move the information into another database so people like your boss and co-workers, your friends and family would not have access to these records. It gives you peace of mind.
Imagine you get a job interview somewhere and they ask you about your criminal record or ask for a criminal reference check? You have to travel for work? Your child asks why you can’t go to Disney with the rest of your family?
The second piece for travel to the US is a US Entry Waiver. Imagine going to the border or the airport with someone and then you are denied entry. The anxiety you may feel leading up to your trip could be difficult. Having the right documentation can make it something that you don’t have to worry about it.
You need a pardon because you made mistakes in your past and you have changed and can prove it and you just want to move on from the past.
If you’re thinking about a pardon, contact us and we are happy to discuss your options and eligibility. With over 23 years industry experience we understand the minutia of what is involved, what are the things that need to be in your application and what the right language is in your application to support your case and have a better chance of receiving a pardon or US Visa Waiver. It’s free with no obligation – and we will be 100% transparent with you. For transparency, if we decide together to move forward, our fees are listed. There are no other fees. We are here to help and there is no obligation. We understand and we don’t judge.