- 65 taking part in a riot
- 76 hijacking of aircraft
- 77 endangering safety of aircraft in
- flight
- 78 taking on board a civilian aircraft
- offensive weapons or explosive
- substances
- 80 failure to take reasonable care in
- respect of explosives where death
- or bodily harm results
- 81(1) intentionally causing death or bodily
- harm by explosive substance
- 86(2) careless use of firearm
- 151 sexual interference
- 152 invitation to sexual touching
- 153 sexual exploitation
- 155 incest
- 159 anal intercourse
- 160 bestiality
- 163.1 child pornography
- 170 parent or guardian procuring sexual
- activity
- 173 indecent acts
- 175 causing disturbance, indecent
- exhibition, loitering, etc.
- 212 procuring
- 215 failure to provide necessaries
- 218 abandoning child
- 220 causing death by criminal
- negligence (excluding motor
- vehicle related offences)
- 221 causing bodily harm by criminal
- negligence (excluding motor
- vehicle related offences)
- 235 murder
- 236 manslaughter
- 239 attempted murder
- 244 causing bodily harm with intent
- 245 administering noxious substance
- 246 overcoming resistance to
- commission of offence
- 247 setting traps likely to cause death or
- bodily harm
- 248 interfering with transportation
- facilities
- 262 impeding attempt to save life
- 264 criminal harassment
- 266 assault
- 267 assault causing bodily harm; assault
- with a weapon
- 268 aggravated assault
- 269 unlawfully causing bodily harm
- 269.1 torture
- 270 assaulting a peace officer
- 271 sexual assault
- 272 sexual assault with a weapon, threats
- to a third party or causing bodily
- harm
- 273 aggravated sexual assault
- 273.3 removal of child from Canada for
- sexual purpose
- 279 kidnapping / illegal confinement
- 279.1 hostage taking
- 280 abduction of person under 16
- 281 abduction of person under 14
- 344 robbery
- 346 extortion
- 423 intimidation
- 423.1 intimidation of justice system
- participant
- 430(2) mischief causing actual danger to
- life
- 433 arson
Source https://www.solgps.alberta.ca/programs_and_services/victim_services/Documents/schedule.pdf